Sandwich Cookies
Crispy cookies, biscuits and crackers with delicate cream come together in a perfect harmony. Our extraordinary techniques from selecting and mixing ingredients to crafting cream and baking with just the right temperature offer a great delight in every bite!

bear cookies with vanilla cream

black & white cookies with vanilla cream

chaplet cookies with durian cream

chaplet cookies with durian cream

chaplet cookies with vanilla cream

chaplet cookies with vanilla cream

chocolate cookies with coffee cream

chocolate cookies with vanilla cream

chocolate sugar biscuits with coffee cream

chocolate sweet heart cookies with coffee cream

chocolate variety cookies with coffee cream

chocolate variety cookies with coffee cream

cookies with coffee cream

cookies with coffee cream

cookies with durian cream

cookies with pandanus cream

cookies with strawberry cream

cookies with taro cream

cookies with vanilla cream

cookies with vanilla cream

flower cookies with coffee cream

flower cookies with coffee cream

flower cookies with vanilla cream

fruity cookies with durian cream

fruity cookies with strawberry cream

fruity cookies with vanilla cream

marie biscuits with vanilla cream

marie biscuits with vanilla cream

mini vo choc cookies with vanilla cream

mini vo choc cookies with vanilla cream

pirate cookies with vanilla cream

pung pung biscuits with coffee cream

pung pung biscuits with vanilla cream

pung pung choc biscuits with chocolate cream

rabbit cookies with vanilla cream

rabbit cookies with vanilla cream

sugar biscuits with vanilla cream

sugar biscuits with vanilla cream

sweet heart cookies with pandanus cream

sweet heart cookies with vanilla cream

variety cookies with vanilla cream

violin crackers with milk cream

vo choc cookies with vanilla cream

vo choc cookies with vanilla cream

zoo cookies with vanilla cream